Let the Devil Wear Black

James F Linden. The true story of the Courtaulds Cancer-Gas Scandal.


Resources - In a rush

Some things really need to be done as soon as possible - if they are important.

Chapter 15

This is the document that was handed out at the industrial tribunal after the dinner break. It shows the computer audit that Alistair Heddon had done in October when I had caught him on that machine and he had then showed me how it worked - thus the date and the last date are the same.

It is the document that, according to the company, precipitated the speedy action in the following few days in December, some two months later.

There is some speculation as to why this document was produced at the tribunal and who insisted that it was.

One theory is that there had been a decision - by whom we know not - to blow the case before any other information that was more damaging escaped into the public domain - this document on its own demonstrating without ambiguity that the claim made by a number of company witnesses that the company acted speedily was in fact completely fraudulent, thus pulling the plug on the tribunal case there and then with the result of there being only minimal damage such as paying me compensation, instead of what eventually happened.

This was it: the portal to the directorial sanctuary - the home of the dog-shit world of middle management power politics - the entrance to the inner perfidium. I put my hand on the brass door knob and twisted.

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